Each change we made we saw an improvement.


You taught me how to help him so his mind would stop racing at night and he could go to sleep.


Marie, I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. It was a Friday 17 years ago. We were attending a women's retreat. Earlier in the day I had just been told that my son had ADHD, needed to go on Ritalin, and attend a special school. I knew in my heart that was not the answer for us and was very conflicted about the news.

When we met, you instantly knew that something was heavy on my heart and I shared the story with you. I said that I was sure there was a natural approach to help my son and I knew there must be things we could change in our life to improve his condition. You reassured me and offered to work with us.

The first day I brought my son to your house, you taught him how to become centered. You taught me how to help him so his mind would stop racing at night and he could go to sleep. You taught us about nutrition and recommended adding more activity to his day. Each change we made we saw improvement. We never did put our son on Ritalin or send him to a special school.

Fast forward to high school graduation - Well, he was awarded a spot at West Point! This never would have happened without your interventions.


Many years later I found myself in a state of disease and was looking for a natural remedy, but we no longer lived near you. I contacted you and we started doing virtual calls to help return my body to health naturally. Your coaching once again changed my nutrition plan and little by little my body returned to normal health. It did not matter that we were several States apart because your virtual appointments were great! Your knowledge about how the body works and how nutrition can improve one's health naturally has changed my family's life more than once.

Thank you, my friend, for being a light in our darkness and showing us the way to return to health naturally.


Love you!

Julee Hunt, TX


Our son is doing SO well! We have had ALL “normal” BMs . . . for the first time EVER