An interactive 6 part nutrition course designed to address the unique needs of the differently-abled and their families.

Helping Our Special Needs Population Achieve Their Best!


You can’t get it all right…so why not get the RIGHT things right?

There’s so much conflicting information that it’s hard to know how to help our children and those we care for! Some changes can create huge health gains, others not so much.

As special needs parents we have extra challenges like hospitalizations, meds to dispense, therapies and advocacy. We want our time to be invested wisely and have a significant payoff! We don’t need more to do, we need relief and solutions! I know & I’m with you!

The WellSpring course will focus on the small changes that bring the BIG results!

Wellspring workshop brochure page1

Infants to adults

The WellSpring content is appropriate for those who care for special people of any age! You’ll find the material and techniques focused on benefiting the whole family unit too! We’ll focus on sound information, prioritize what’s most important, and put it into clear actionable steps!

  • This is an fun engaging course that can be attended in person or viewed later if you need to miss or couldn’t focus due to family interruptions. Surveys, chats and Q&A’s will be used to shape the course to meet the needs and interests of the participant families.

    Each registrant will also be offered the GIFT of a free phone session following the course. This way you’ll have an opportunity to ask anything of a personal nature and get help in ways that might be specific to your family. - a $125 value.

  • Our participants will decide collectively on the best time for the 3 Q&A sessions in order to allow as many as possible to participate.

    Your preferences will be indicated when completing your registration form. A welcome email with the 5/3 session zoom link and course reminder will announce the date and times for the Q& A’s. That email will be sent once registration closes.

    Don’t worry, if you can’t make them, you can submit questions via email in advance and watch later.

  • You will see the payment options listed below on the brochure. Sorry, credit cards & vouchers cannot be used for this course.

    Clink the registration link.

    Complete your registration form.

    Complete your payment in your preferred platform to complete your registration. You will find the payment options located on the brochure below as well as on the bottom of the registration form.

    Call me if you have any questions:

    (678) 491-7559

  • When you refer someone else to the course, add their name to the field on your registration.

    *If you wish to refer someone after completing your registration. Have them add your name to their form.

    Payment must be in full ! - $179

    $30 will be refunded to the referring individual via their payment platform after the course begins, if the person they referred both attended and paid. ($30 max discount per paid registrant.)


Please call if you have any questions! - Marie (678) 491-7559